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Our market knowledge and strong network of contacts, your path to succeed.

David Moya:
With over 25 years of experience in the technology market, he grew up surrounded by computers and devices. Since he was very young, he demonstrated his interest and curiosity for machine programable devices. His parents gave him an Amstrad 128K computer as a Christmas present when he was only nine years old, and since then, he has fallen completely in love with computers. His family always chilled him up to attend programming classes after school hours, which pushed David into computers more and more.
At 16 years old, he bought his first Pentium personal computer, and discovered the world of Windows 3.1 , NT, and Unix operating systems, among others.
David continued studying development languages and ended up becoming a Certified Systems Engineer by Microsoft Corporation Inc. He has worked for software companies of the likes of Kofax Inc., Computer Associates Inc., and ABBYY Software Inc.
Today, David helps companies transform business processes that improve their performance and reduce costs at the same time. He represents several technology manufacturers, helping them expand in the MENA region, establishing partnerships, and executing successful commercial strategies to achieve their financial targets.
If you have any inquiry, don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will be glad to help you.